Abhishek Sankar

My Projects

EKF SLAM from Scratch

Developed a feature-based EKF SLAM package in ROS2 for a TurtleBot3 using C++.

KUKA youBot Mobile Manipulator

Simulated a pick-and-place action using the KUKA youBot in CoppeliaSim.

Robot Light Painter

Programmed a TurtleBot3 robot to create Light Paintings using a Motion Capture system for positional feedback.

Franka Plays Hangman

Using robot manipulation, admittance control, computer vision, and optical character recognition (OCR) to play word games with the Franka robot arm.

2D Multi-Body Physics Engine

Simulated the multi-body physics of impacts with external forces for a dice-in-a-cup system.

Decentralized Control of Swarm Robots

Implemented decentralized control algorithms for swarm robots inside a custom simulation environment.

Autonomous Mars Rover

Built a fully autonomous 50kg Mars Rover with a 6 DOF Robotic Arm for the University Rover Challenge (URC) 2022 competition.

High Precision Robotic Actuator

Designed and tested strain wave/harmonic drive gearboxes for high gear reduction robotic actuators.

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